Anlisisis Kompleksitas Psikologi Tokoh Suami Dalam Cerpen Indama Ya’ti al-Masa’ Karya Najib Mahfudz

Telaah Psikologi Sastra Sigmund-Freud


  • Muhamad Agus Mushodiq


Kata Kunci:

Complexity, Id, The ego, Super ego


This research aims to analyze the psychological complexity of the character's husband on a short story Indama Ya’ti al-Masa with a focus study of id, ego and super ego. In examining psychological personages husband, researchers using the theory of Sigmund Freud. As for the method used in this research is qualitative research methods. Based on this analysis the results presented in descriptif-narrative. The results of this research are the Id in self character husband greatly affect the State of the psychological’s husband, because he always felt lonely and unable to withstand the departure of his wife even though he has logically about the reason why he did not want to move to the new apartment. While the Ego in itself has made himself chose to maintain her own life in the apartment for the sake of the environment around the already friendly and her friends very soon. In addition, the ego has made him to assume that the most important factor is the best friend of his life. Superego in himself has been delivering him to never give up even though the burden is very heavy dipikulnya. He prefers to hold the pain itself instead of having to ask for solutions to them.


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