Terbitan Terkini
ADZKIYA: Hukum dan Ekonomi Syariah is nationally accredited SINTA 4 with Electronic International Standart Serial Number (E-ISSN) 2528-0872 and Print International Standard Serial Number (P-ISSN) 2355-4215) is published by the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, IAIN Metro Lampung. ADZKIYA journal is published twice a year, in the period January-June and July-December. Editors accept manuscrips and writings with terms and conditions:
- In accordance with the Scope of the ADZKIYA Journal;
- Individuals or groups of 2-5 people;
- The work is original, not plagiarized, and has never been published/published in any form;
- Writing according to a predetermined format (see template);
- Send the author's bio and affidavit of authenticity of the manuscript;
- Manuscripts are recommended to cit a minimum of 15 accredited journals;
- Manuscripts are required to use Zotero, Mendeley or other supporting citation software;
- Authors whose manuscripts are accepted in the journal will get a hard copy of the journal as many as 2 copies;
- Submit your manuscript by Logging in for those who already have a Finansia account, or Register for those who do not have an account;
- Manuscripts can be submitted online every 24-hour day.
Template manuscript can be downloaded Here. Manuscript accepted is written in standard Indonesian language or English.
Manuscript contributions can be sent via email: redaksiadzkiya@gmail.com.
p-ISSN: 2355-4215 |
e-ISSN: 2528-0872 |
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