PERAN UANG DALAM PRODUKSI (Telaah Economic Value of Time sebagai Penunjang Faktor Produksi)


  • Agus Alimuddin


Kata Kunci:

Faktor Produksi, Nilai-nilai Islam, Uang


Money is a medium that stores value so as to change the purchasing power in the future and have a good stability, money has a role in the production process that aims to create goods or services to meet human needs So that the production process can be fulfilled and carried out according to planned objectives. Money as a support in maximizing the production factors, without the role of money then will experience slowness in the production process aknew even experience setbacks. Researchers use the review of the library with a descriptive-analysis method to display the analysis done, by trying to compare the problems studied with related Literaetur on the problem being observed, this study Analyzing the role of money in production (studying the economic value of time as supporting the production factor), production has the factors to be fulfilled namely, capital, natural resources, manpower, and production management, in meeting the factors Production often lacks producers in the fulfillment of factors in the production process, money becomes supporting that can help in fulfilling the needs by obtaining and using money in accordance with Islamic values and used To meet human needs.



Cara Mengutip

PERAN UANG DALAM PRODUKSI (Telaah Economic Value of Time sebagai Penunjang Faktor Produksi). (2020). Adzkiya : Jurnal Hukum Dan Ekonomi Syariah, 8(1), 71-92.