Analisis Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Muslim Miskin Melalui Qardul Hasan


  • Eja Armaz Hardi Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Kata Kunci:

empowerment, poverty, Qardhul Hasan, income generation, Baitul Maal


Proverty is still an important issue in Indonesia, that issued a variety of programs to reduce poverty. Of the many programs that can be used is qardhul hasan. Empowerment of the poor muslim communities are conducted by the Baitul Maal (BM) Baitul Maal wa Tamwil (BMT) program the Yogyakarta Beringharjo qardhul hasan which is called Companions Sought Independent (SIM) that utilize funds set of Zakat, Infaq, alms and Waqf (ZISWA). This research aims at analyzing the variables that are thought to affect the success of the program SIM in the customer increase revenues and analyzing income disparity and alms SIM clients before and after following the program. This study uses four independent variable Duration programme (JWP), the quality of Mentoring (KP), long working hours (LJK) and Charity (SDKH), while the dependent variable in this study is an increase in Income (PD). The independent variable KP, researchers using the seven parameters are new insights for customers, seriousness, openness of the BM, alert, motivates the customer business activities, solving problems and creating new business clients.From the results of the analysis show that the fourth test F independent variable can be used to predict the dependent variable i.e. PD. Whereas, t test results showed that a significant variable affecting revenue increase the customer'S SIM is varibel X 3 (LJK). While the three other varibel JWP, KP and SDKH does not have any effect on PD. one of the variables KP (x 2) that affect the quality of Mentoring WW: openness of the BM against the customer. Test results of Paired Samples t Test showed that there were differences in income and alms clients before and after following the program SIM from baitul maal BMT Beringharjo.




Cara Mengutip

Analisis Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Muslim Miskin Melalui Qardul Hasan. (2013). Adzkiya : Jurnal Hukum Dan Ekonomi Syariah, 1(2).