Upaya Membangun Kesadaran Bisnis Beretika


  • Diana Ambarwati

Kata Kunci:

Business ethics, Yusuf Al-Qaradawi


Business is one of the most important in human life. It is not amazing if Islam gives guidance of business area. Now, business is considered as the effort to look for the profit as much as possible. In fact, it is got by the sly and not etichal way.In business ethics is very important for stating in globalization era that is often neglecting the velue of morality and ethics. Because, Islam states that the human business activity is not aim at the equiepment of satisfying only, but also the effort of looking for balancing life with the positive behaviior not destructive.

Yusuf al-Qaradawi observes that business gives big contribusion in answering the problem of business ethics comprehensively.In his opinion,the moderate is visible that business ethics which stated by him is one of the professionalism in business which will preserve in business performance.

Implementation of the business ethics means that do an effort or an occupation that can produce the profit as the law in Islam. The effort can be done by recontruction of new realizing about business, and also understanding the study of business and economics that stand on paradigm of norming and empirical approach in which the prominent development of the velue, in order to hendle alteration and moving on the era fastly.




Cara Mengutip

ETIKA BISNIS YUSUF AL- QARADÂWI: Upaya Membangun Kesadaran Bisnis Beretika. (2013). Adzkiya : Jurnal Hukum Dan Ekonomi Syariah, 1(1), 74-97.

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