• M. Nasor Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
  • M. Wahyu Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
  • Rendra Nasrul Rifa’i Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
  • Esen Pramudya Utama Institut Agama Islam An Nur Lampung
  • Nina Ayu Ayu Puspita Sari Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung


In Islam, children are very important. Islam does not treat children by wasting them. In essence, children are a mandate from Allah SWT. While parents are educators for their children, they have a great responsibility for their children's growth and development. As for the education carried out by parents to their children, it is solely to create people who are faithful, pious and knowledgeable who are able to develop themselves into obedient servants of Allah. This obedient servant of Allah can be seen from his personality, Islamic personality is behavior that is in accordance with Islamic values, both in the form of worship, especially prayer and fasting, as well as good morals, especially discipline, responsibility, and respect. Thus, parents as educators are obliged to form Islamic personalities in children from an early age, especially when children are 7-12 years old. In general, children at this age really like to play and often meet with other important activities. In addition, this age is also known as the ripe period for learning. So that parents can use it to instill religious behavior in children.

From this background, the author examines what are the patterns of family communication in shaping the personality of Islamic children in Sinar Harapan Village, Rajabasa Jaya Village, Bandar Lampung City? and what are the effects of family communication on the child's Islamic personality?. This study aims to explain the communication pattern of the child's family in shaping the Islamic personality and explain the effect of family communication on the child's Islamic personality. This research is a type of research that collects data from the field, which is descriptive qualitative. In taking the sample, the researcher used a purposive sampling technique, namely taking samples with certain criteria. Data collection tools used in this study were interviews, observation and documentation.

As for the findings in this study, families in Sinar Harapan Village use a communication pattern in the form of dyadic interpersonal communication which in the communication process uses a two-way communication model, and gets direct responses that are positive or negative. dyadic interpersonal relationships are carried out by means of hiwar, stories, examples, habituation, tarhib, advice and punishment. The effects of family communication on children include cognitive, affective and behavioral effects.


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How to Cite
NASOR, M. et al. POLA KOMUNIKASI KELUARGA DALAM MEMBENTUK KEPRIBADIAN ISLAMI ANAK DI KAMPUNG SINAR HARAPAN RAJABASA JAYA KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG. Ri'ayah: Jurnal Sosial dan Keagamaan, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 169-186, dec. 2022. ISSN 2548-6446. Available at: <https://e-journal.ejournal.metrouniv.ac.id/riayah/article/view/5835>. Date accessed: 06 july 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.32332/riayah.v7i2.5835.