Establishing Warehouse Receipts as Debt Guarantees in Indonesia’s Sharia Economic Law
Warranty Law, Warehouse Receipt, ExecutionAbstract
Subjects who need loan funds. This is because they have objects as collateral that are in accordance with the categories set by the institution. However, Indonesian people, who work as farmers on average, are hit by capital difficulties and limited guarantees. Meanwhile, the agricultural harvest is not included in the category of objects in accordance with the provisions of the existing guarantee institution. This results in farmers not being able to use their crops as credit collateral, because there is no legal regulation that regulates it. Therefore, researchers are interested in researching 1. How can the position of Warehouse Receipt be a Debt Guarantee Right in the Laws and Regulations in Indonesia? and 2. What is the Execution Power of the Warehouse Receipt Guarantee if the Debtor is declared in Default? This research is prepared using normative juridical research methods, using a statutory approach (statute approach) that will examine and analyze the application of rules or norms in various laws and regulations. In 2006 the Government provided a solution for farmers by issuing Law Number 9 of 2006 concerning the Warehouse Receipt System which was amended into Law Number 9 of 2011 concerning Amendments to Law Number 9 of 2006 concerning the Warehouse Receipt System. The Warehouse Receipt Law changes the position of warehouse receipts which were originally proof of entrustment into proof of property rights so that they can be charged with security rights.
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