Da'wah Study, M NatsirAbstract
Prophet as an actor first preaching in the life of Islam, with persistent and knows no despair, he delivered the message of Islam until his death. In connection with it as ukhairu ummah” then any Muslim either individually or in groups should inherit the position as the subject of preaching is not the object of propaganda let alone act as someone who does not do anything. Muslim communities must be at the core and is responsible for calling on people to take an active role of truth and prevent those things from falsehood, so that the goal can be achieved with the Islamic da’wah well and smoothly in accordance with what is expected.
To carry out and deliver da'wah to its target objects, there are many methods or methods carried out by ulama, Da'i and da'wah practitioners, all of which rely on efforts to convey religious messages or Islamic values. In this regard, when the message of preaching will be delivered to the object, the thing that must be considered is the creation of a process of acceptance and understanding of da'wah messages in an atmosphere that is good and peaceful, does not lead to contra, divisive or even confusing understanding which results in no achieved the expected missionary purpose.
On the one hand, the essence of da'wah in the socio-cultural system is to organize and provide direction for change. Changing the structure of society and culture from tyranny towards justice, ignorance towards progress / intelligence, poverty towards prosperity, all backwardness towards progress in order to improve the degree of humans and society towards the peak of humanity (tawa).
The obligation to carry out Islamic da'wah, is certainly closely related to the commands of Allah SWT. In the A1-Qur'an, among the arguments that show the obligation of da'wah are listed in the which means the following: "And let there be among you a group of people who call upon virtue, send to those who speak and prevent from the poor, they are the lucky ones.
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