Exploration of Interaction and Mapping Interaction Research in Second Language Learning Content Analysis Based on Books Rod Ellis
Interaction, Second Language Learning, Rod EllisAbstract
This study examines the concepts of Interaction and Mapping Interaction Research in Second Language Learning in the Classroom: Content Analysis Based on Rod Ellis's "Language Teaching Research and Language Pedagogy." The study applies a qualitative approach with a literature review design, utilizing data collection techniques such as documentation and literature review, followed by content analysis. This study indicates that Rod Ellis discusses the abilities involved in interaction, employing a sociocultural theory perspective to examine the development of second language learning. This theory emphasizes microgenetic and quasi-experimental studies on language learning through social interaction and internal learner growth. Rod Ellis also studies how classroom input and interaction improve second language learning using interactionist-cognitive theory, which emphasizes the function of interaction in delivering input that learners inwardly analyze. This perspective draws upon research employing descriptive/exploratory approaches.
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