Asalib Hadits Al-Muallim fi Ta’lim Maharah Al-Kalam: Dirasah Tahliliah fi Khitab Al-Fashl


  • Ahmad Basyori Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
  • Imam Asrori Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Sutaman Sutaman Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang



SETT Framework; Discourse Analysis; Classroom Interaction; Arabic Speaking.


The importance of teacher talk in Arabic-speaking learning is not only as a medium to organize the class and train the students. However, also a source of language acquisition and a means for achieving learning objectives. This research aims to: 1) explore the type of teacher talk modes in Arabic Speaking learning, 2) explore the most dominant type of teacher talk modes that occurs in Arabic Speaking learning. The researcher used a qualitative approach, and the type of this research is a case study. The methods of data collection are observation and interview. The results of this study indicate that: 1) All four types of teacher talk modes in the SETT framework (Managerial mode, Material mode, Skills and Systems mode and Classroom Context mode) occur in Arabic Speaking learning, and 2) The Managerial Mode is the most dominant type of teacher talk mode that occurs in Arabic-speaking.


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How to Cite

Asalib Hadits Al-Muallim fi Ta’lim Maharah Al-Kalam: Dirasah Tahliliah fi Khitab Al-Fashl. (2023). An Nabighoh, 25(1), 93-112.

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