Cerpen “ Lailatun Ghaba Anha Al-qamar” Karya Najib Al-kaylani(Studi Analisis Struktural dan Semiotik)


  • Tiara Nur Mulyawati Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro
  • Nur fauziah Fatawi Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro




Short Story, Structural, Semiotic, Night Without Moon


This paper examines the short story "Night Without Moon" by Najib Al-Kaylani with the study of structuralism by Roberth Stanton and the semiotic study of Charles Sanders Pierce. This study aims to analyze the intrinsic elements in short stories, find the relationship between intrinsic elements in short stories, find out the signs that appear in short stories, and find out the meaning of these signs. The type of research used is literature research using the descriptive analysis method. The results of this study found that there is a relationship between intrinsic elements in the short story "Night Without Moon" with the theme of social inequality that occurs in society and ignites feelings of fanaticism towards each individual. The characters in this short story include: a doctor, Abdul Wahid, a woman, four men, Abdul Jabbar, the village head, the mantri, the maids, midwives, nurses, and Ridwan. The flow used is the forward flow. The setting used in the short story text is the setting of place and time. The point of view used in this short story is the point of view of people. In this study, seventeen signs contained in the short story "Night Without Moon" were also obtained, namely, five icons, seven indexes, and five symbols. All signs have their own meanings.  


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