Sufi Batak, Persaudaraan Lintas Iman, Tanah Batak, Batak Sufis, Interfaith Relationship, Batak RegionAbstract
Tulisan ini membahas peran sufi Batak dalam membangun persaudaraan lintas iman di Tanah Batak dengan referensi khusus Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah-Khalidiyah Serambi Babussalam (TNKSB). Penelitian ini menjelaskan fenomena hubungan antar iman di tengah masyarakat Batak yang diyakini terkait dengan peran sufi Batak. Pengkajian ini mempelajari bagaimana sufi Batak membangun persaudaraan lintas iman dan struktur sosial akibat interaksi keduanya. Penelitian menemukan bahwa hubungan ini dibangun karena sufi Batak sebagai pemimpin spiritual dan tradisional yang memiliki peran dalam interaksi agama, sosial dan budaya, sehingga Islam dan Kristen dianggap sebagai ‘saudara kandung’ dalam ikatan persaudaraan Batak.This paper discusses the Batak sufis role in building interfaith relationship in the Batak region (Tanah Batak) with a special reference to Tarekat Naqshabandiyya-Khalidiyya Serambi Babussalam (TNKSB). This research was conducted with regard to the phenomenon of interfaith relationship happened in the middle of the Batak which are believed to be related to the role of sufis Batak. It studied how the Batak sufis built interfaith relationship and the consequent structure of their social interaction. It was found that such relationship was easily built because the Batak sufis were regarded both as spiritual and traditional leaders who had roles in Batak religious, social and cultural interactions. Islam and Christian were considered as ‘sibling’ religions within the fold of Batak brotherhood.
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Zamhari, Arif, “The Majlis Dhikr of Indonesia: Exposition of Some Aspect of Ritual Practices”, dalam Journal of Indonesian Islam, vol. 3, no. 1, 2009.
Abdullah, Khadim TNKSB [Hatonduan, 28/04/2013 dan Medan, 10/10/2015].
Ahmad Sabban Rajagukguk, Mursyid TNKSB [Medan, 27/04/2013 dan 12/10/2015].
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