Productive Waqf Funds Empowerment Through Qardh Al-Hasan Financing: Evidance from Micro Waqf Bank (BWM)


  • Zaid Raya Argantara Institut Dirosat Islamiyah Al-Amien Prenduan Indonesia
  • Yuliana Safitri Institut Dirosat Islamiyah Al-Amien Prenduan Indonesia
  • Noviana Prasanti Universitas Darussalam Gontor Indonesia
  • Syahruddin Syahruddin University of Karabük Turkey



Productive Waqf, Empowerment, Qardh Al-Hasan, Micro Waqf Bank


Micro waqf Bank in Sumenep is necessary due to workforce absorption of 486,196 people, making the Sumenep city a capital with the largest number of UMKM five of East Java. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to reveal the implementation of qardh al-hasan payment in small and medium-sized micro-enterprises and the role of qordul-hasan accounts in the creation of small and medium-sized micro-enterprises. This study is a qualitative study with phenomenological approach. The data was obtained through with interview data sources, observations and documentation. Janice Mc Drury's theory was employed to analysis the data, finding themes, writing models, determining coding and deciding to reach the facts. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of these qardh al-hasan accounts through the level of identification, socialization, qualification testing, pre-PWK, PWK and “Halaqah Mingguan” (HALMI). The role of the qardh al-hasan account provided by the Micro Waqf Bank Alpen Barokah Mandiri has had an impact on the expansion of the efforts carried out in the passport.


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How to Cite

Productive Waqf Funds Empowerment Through Qardh Al-Hasan Financing: Evidance from Micro Waqf Bank (BWM). (2023). Adzkiya : Jurnal Hukum Dan Ekonomi Syariah, 11(1), 12-23.